Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April Fools!

Alright, not going to lie. Tuesday came pretty quickly. I thought that I would have tons of stories to share in a whole entire week of going without blogging, but it's been a day. And I am stuck here without much to write.

Actually, just kidding. I do have something.

Yesterday was April fools day! You have to understand that April fools day at my house is honestly better than Easter. Well, that is, only when you're playing pranks on someone else. Unfortunately, I was the main victim this year.

Cecily, my youngest sister, duct taped all of my clothes together and then duct taped all of my hangers to the rack that they hang on and THEN duct taped all of my little drawers full of socks etc. completely shut so it took a good 10 minutes to get everything off. Trust me, it was a lot of duct tape when everything was said and done.

Then, as soon as I got home from school Cecily ran up to me at the door grinning like a madman and offered me a caramel apple. At first I was like, "Score I get a caramel apple." But then, after a closer look at these caramel "apples" I realized that they were not apples, but instead onions. Nice try Cecily.

The last prank that I received I found when preparing to brush my teeth. First, my toothpaste had been dipped in salt so I had to carefully remove every little particle so the mint-salt taste wouldn't make me completely gag. Then, when I had finally completed this difficult process I put the toothpaste on my toothbrush and turned on the water. The faucet, unfortunately for me, had been taped. This is a common trick in my household but I still fell for it. We put clear scotch tape on the faucet so when someone turns on the sink, the water goes straight at them. So then, soaking wet, I finally put the toothbrush in my mouth. It was covered in sunscreen which, I can tell you from personal experience, does NOT in any way taste okay.

And that was pretty much my April fools day! Don't worry; I'll get them all back next year.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

#slice2013 31 of 31

31 of 31! Tomorrow I'm going to be lying in bed thinking to myself "I am forgetting something" and then I will think to myself "I forgot to post today!" But I'll think to myself "April Fools! It's over!" And that's weird.

Anyway, I have had an amazing time participating in this virtual experience. The slice of life has been a great community for me to be a part of and I am extremely thankful for that. I am especially appreciative of the fact that even though I am probably one of the younger slicers participating, I still got amazing feedback and comments.

I would like to especially thank Elsie and Tara for being such faithful commenters throughout this entire process. There has not been a single day where one of them has not commented on my post. They have been loyal to me even during my vent session, which is saying a lot. 

Everyone has been so original throughout this entire thing, and I was really impressed by all the blogs I saw. Participating in this challenge has helped me see things differently because I have been walking through my life looking for things to write about. I has helped me to notice. 

I would like to end this journey with a little blurb that I wrote.

I sit down and begin to draw my tree.
I draw the roots disappearing into the ground.
I draw the trunk, slowly rising up to meet the open air and the strong branches breaking off from its superiority to guide my tree out and into unknown territory.
My tree continues to grow as I have other branches branch off of those and even more branches branch off of those.
Slowly, my tree is beginning to look like a tree.
But then I stop.
I don’t know how to continue.
Or rather, not how to continue, but how to end.
How does a tree end?
Do the branches just stop?
Stop growing, stop continuing, but where? And how?
I look out my window and stare at the tree that I see everyday when I wake up, but have never really looked at until now.
I stare at it and wait for it to give me an answer.
It does.
I can see every detail of the cold brown wood because it is March and the tree is not yet covered by a blanket of green.
At the end of each branch, there is a small bud.
At every end there is a beginning.
Now, I can finish my drawing.

Happy Easter and a huge thank you to Ruth and Stacey for hosting Slice of Life!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

#slice2013 30 of 31

I never realized until today that everyone's last slice was going to be on the day of Easter. Just thought that was kind of funny.

I just got home from a weekend in New York City with my family and my host family who I stayed with during my first semester this year when I went to Spain. It was soo much fun. We walked a lot and ate a lot and had a really good time. Tonight is my time to do my homework and write and do some more homework and then maybe hang out with friends.

Anyways, now I'll talk about my actual slice for today. I'm going to apply for my high school's National Honors Society and the essay I have to write is why I want to be in the NHS. I thought this would be an extremely easy essay to write, but then I realized that I didn't even know what NHS did once you got in it. Once I researched it, however, I discovered that it is basically a group of nerds that gather about once a month and talk about contests to enter, and fun community service opportunities, and how the teaching at our school is beneficial to our learning, and how we can make things better. Basically, it's my idea of a pretty good time.

Now that I know what NHS is and what it's about, it's going to be pretty easy to write this essay because I genuinely want to be part of it. What I didn't realize is that NHS is not only about what you do to get into it, but also about what you choose to do when you're accepted and that's the real reason I want to join.

#slice2013 29 of 31

My family and I were in New York this weekend and my hotel did not have internet access last night, and then, as soon as we got up, we left the hotel and I didn't have a chance to post. So this is the post that I wrote at 12:00 last night.

Today my family and I went to New York City.

We went skating in Central Park.

I had an audition so I had to leave while everyone else went biking.

I was pretty glad I missed out on the biking because it sounded pretty tiring.

Then I got back and we had a picnic.

Then we walked some more.

Then we went out to dinner and went to the top of the Rockefeller building and looked out over the entire city. It was absolutely beautiful.

Good night.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

#slice2013 28 of 31

My fifth grade teacher loved writing. Writing was her favorite subject to teach and she put everything into it. I learned from this teacher how important words could be.

"Words can be misinterpreted." You can say one thing, but mean another. You never want your words to cause drama, but instead make sure that they initiate peace. Use your words to help but never to harm.

"Words can change the way you look at something." Don't judge someone by how they appear or their reputation. Wait until you hear what they have to say for themselves before you come to hasty decisions you may make based on other people's words.

"Words can make someone change their mind." Sometimes all it takes is a simple, well-spoken explanation for someone to see your side of the story. Most of the time, it is words, and not fists, that can help you gain respect. If someone understands you, it is more likely that they will like you as well.

"Words can be very, very bad." We should not abuse our power of communication. Words are not meant to be hurtful, but are instead meant to communicate. If we, as humans, didn't need to communicate, then we would have never evolved from monkeys. Make sure that you never abuse your gift of speech.

"Words are powerful."

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

#slice2013 27 of 31

My sophomore year History teacher taught me that people remember memorable things.

Her name was Mrs. Campbell and whenever she wanted to tell us something that she found particularly important to our overall knowledge of the topic, she would get up on top of her desk in the front of the classroom and scream it at us. However, this was only one of her many methods of attack. Another commonly used Mrs. Campbell trick was to make up strange songs and dances to go along with important historical happenings.

On my first day of History class sophomore year, the first things Mrs. Campbell said to our class was "I want to be the teacher you remember in 20 years. However, I do not just want you to remember me because I was crazy, I want you to remember me by the things you learned." I can in all honesty say that I will never forget John Locke and Thomas Hobbes because of Mrs. Campbell jumping up on her desk almost once a week and screaming at the top of her lungs, "LOCKE IS KEY."

I don't want to make this lady sound completely insane, however, because her teaching method definitely worked. Our class average was consistently higher than all of the other history classes and my writing skills definitely improved as well due to her multiple surprise in class essays that she almost never graded, but always intensely revised.

Mrs. Campbell, I will remember you in 20 years.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

#slice2013 26 of 31

I had a slight writers block trying to think of what to write for this post, so I decided to make a list of important life/educational lessons I have learned over the years from teachers. This helped me remember lots of little stories that went along with these lessons I learned. I'll only share one today, but possibly expect one tomorrow [foreshadowing].

In fourth grade, a couple of my good friends and I decided to form a little club with the oh-so-original title the "I Hate Math Club." It was just me, Hannah and Abbie because we were the three musketettes who did everything together. Hannah hated math, so Abbie and I therefore did as well. My fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Bren, was not too amused with our little club, as you might imagine. Usually she let our little antics pass on by, but she was under the firm opinion that this "I Hate Math Club" needed to come to an end. The lesson Mrs. Bren taught us that I will forever keep with me is that "Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's not important. You may dislike math, but try to choose to respect it instead of choosing to hate it."

Of course, Hannah, Abbie and I paid her absolutely no mind and continued with our "I Hate Math" chants until we eventually got sick of it. It wasn't until a couple years later that I realized how valuable Mrs. Bren's lesson really was.